What we do

Here are the main ways in which we work to promote world literature for young people.

World Kid Lit Blog

Throughout the year, and especially in September (World Kid Lit Month), we publish regular reviews, interviews and features introducing the best of world literature for children and young people.

In 2024, we published our 500th blog post! You can search all our archives here.

Social Media

All year round, you’ll find us on social media recommending the best international writing for young people, with the hashtags #WorldKidLit and #WorldKidLitMonth (in September).

Please feel free to use these hashtags to share what you’ve been reading, recommend books, or to ask questions about international children’s literature. We’ll be happy to share, and suggest books or resources when we can.

World Kid Lit Month

Every September, we host World Kid Lit Month. Where will you fly to this year with a book?

World Kid Lit Month is a completely free and open event: anyone can celebrate however you choose. We provide resources here to kickstart your reading journey, on the blog and in our book lists. Please share what you read with the hashtag #worldkidlitmonth.

Find out more: What is World Kid Lit Month?

Read the World: Book Lists

We create and share lists of suggested books for every continent and every age group. These lists already cover dozens of countries and we’re adding to them all the time.

Our PDF resources are available to print and share with a Creative Commons licence. Please name World Kid Lit as the source when sharing. Happy travels wherever your reading takes you!

World Kid Lit Ambassadors

We keep a list of world literature ambassadors: children’s literature experts who can write about or advise on books in other languages, and the children’s literature landscapes of other countries.

The experts on this list may be able to write about global literature for young people (e.g. for a World Kid Lit Month article), or read and advise on children’s books in other languages (e.g. for publishers considering buying rights for translation). In some cases, they are happy to speak and give media interviews about writing, translation, global reading, and the children’s publishing region they know.

School Speakers

We are soon to start a new programme of school speakers who can visit schools in the UK to lead assemblies and workshops on global reading, diverse children’s literature, translation and related topics, in September for World Kid Lit Month, and at other times throughout the year.

We hope to roll this out in other countries soon, but for now we coordinate these events in Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England only.

More details to follow; please check here again soon.


We host and collaborate on various events for young people, and also adult professionals in the libraries, education and publishing sectors. Our events help get diverse, inclusive, global literature into the hands and onto the bookshelves of young readers.

We have worked with various partner organisations and have contributed to events and projects with Cork World Book Fest, Gŵyl Haf Festival of Translation, Outside In World, The Bookseller Children’s Conference, Oxford Brookes University, University of Reading, CILIP, and the Chartered Institute of Linguists.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss working together on an event or project.
