World Kid Lit Month FAQs

Here are a few frequently asked questions about World Kid Lit Month.

Who can take part in World Kid Lit Month?

Everyone, everywhere! It’s a completely open event for anyone to take part in. Young or old, children’s books are for everyone. You might use the month to tell others about your favourite international authors, or it might be a time to broaden your reading and diversify your bookshelves. If you use social media, please share what you read and discover with the hashtag #WorldKidLitMonth!

Do you have any images I can use on social media?

Yes! You’ll find free graphics in our public Google drive here. Please feel free to make your own graphics and posters for World Kid Lit Month, share them on social media, and let us know if you’re happy for us to share them in this drive.

Want to post about #WorldKidLitMonth on social media or include a blurb about it in your community newsletter? Feel free to download and use our suggested text (less than 100 words) and suggested tweets PDF.

Why is World Kid Lit Month in September?

In the USA, September is National Translation Month. 26 September is European Day of Languages, and 30 September is both International Translation Day and St Jerome’s Day – the patron saint of translators!

How did World Kid Lit Month start?

The hashtag #WorldKidLitMonth was first used on social media in 2016 by global literature advocates Marcia Lynx Qualey (founding editor of ArabLit), Lawrence Schimel (bilingual poet, author, translator and publisher) and Alexandra Büchler (director of Literature Across Frontiers).

With this hashtag, and World Kid Lit blog which also started in 2016, a campaign emerged for more visibility for world literature within English-language children’s and YA publishing.

We continue to be part of a broader social campaign for inclusive and representative literature for children – books that represent our global population in all its diversity.